Yikes! What’s going on?

Sony sales volume dropped by 44.5%, Olympus by 54.9%, and Canon by 32.3%. Fujifilm, in fourth place, actually saw its sales volume increase year-over-year, but overall sales of mirrorless cameras still dropped by a whopping 50.5%, compared to a more standard 9.9% drop in January.

Why is this? Well, its a combination of things like smartphones, camera technology that is mature (not much is changing really when a new camera comes out), economy which is not good world wide. The average person does not have thousands to spend on the latest gear. Also and this is a big one and no pun intended but the big size of these traditional cameras compared to smartphone cameras. The ease of use and direct connection to social media and sharing options.

If the big camera makers want to compete with Apple the will need to make their cameras cheaper, smaller, and connected easier to the world around them. Not everyone wants to use computer software to share their images.

What do you think is the reason?
